Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Green Products Expo 2009

I recently came across an article about the Green Products Expo 2009 that took place in February this year, written by Dan Macsai. Macsai expressed that walking into the expo was similar to walking into an episode of the TV show Lost, where in his words "You know everything’s supposed to serve a higher purpose, but when you’re initially exposed, a lot of it just seems…awesomely weird." Although there were over 70 different exhibitors participating and featuring their green products, there were some that merited special attention.
A company called SodaStream makes homemade soda using tap water in 30 seconds. The machine itself is about $80 and the flavors required to make the soda are about $5 per bag. The idea behind the SodaStream is that the average American drinks about 600 cans/bottles of soda each year. If more people made their own at home, it would save having to deal with all the discarded cans and bottles!

For those that prefer beverages that are not just soda, another fun green product is 360 Vodka. The bottle itself is made from 85% recycled glass, the labels on the bottles are 100% recycled paper, and when you purchase it (around $24 per bottle) a prepaid envelope is included so that the empty bottle can be returned and reused. Every time a bottle is returned, the person sending it earns $1 towards a local environmental organization. When someone purchases 12 bottles, they are even shipped in a recycling bin.

Finally, there is a product called JuicedHybrid Kiwi. It connects in to a car's diagnostic port and provides the driver with drag, acceleration and deceleration patterns. From there, the product gives you a "Kiwi Score", which equates to your fuel efficiency. As your driving improves, so does your score and the JuicedHybrid Kiwi provides you a read out in actual dollars the amount of money you are saving on gas, which is certainly an incentive to continue to drive better.

At the expo, there were also fun products like dinner plates made from leaves, and a seed lined drink coaster that when thrown out into the backyard, the coaster itself biodegrades and grows flowers in it's place. While some of these products can seem a little more whimsical than realistic, it demonstrates that with the focus on green products over the past couple years, it is possible to find products that meet a consumer's needs while still being sustainable. Green products have moved past building materials and cleaning supplies, a consumer just has to be willing to look for them! While on that search, clearly there are lots of fun products to find along the way!

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