Thursday, October 8, 2009

Radishes from your Rooftop?!

Article: Sky Vegetables: Taking Green Roofs to New Heights
Author: Joel Makower

The title of this article is what first caught my attention, and I wasn't disappointed. A few weeks ago at a conference concerning various sustainability topics, Makower (yup, the same guy that wrote our book "Strategies for the Green Economy") was approached by a recent college grad named Keith Agoada. As it turns out, Agoada had one heck of a pitch, and an even better new company...

His last year in college, Agoada created Sky Vegetables, a company that creates green rooftops. I'm sure many of us have seen or at least heard of gardens that are built on top of buildings, but Sky Vegetables takes things a couple steps past a bench on a roof. Using the same technology as environment-controlled greenhouses, hydroponics and aquaponics equipment, Agoada discovered that not only is it possible to grow various herbs and vegetables on the roof, but that it can be done in an environmentally friendly and very sustainable way. The herbs and vegetables are then sold in the local community, and Sky Vegetables is even turning a profit. The company rents roof space and covers all the costs of converting it into the green garden. There are no pesticides or herbicides used on the produce, and nutrients for the plants come from paper and food waste from the building beneath the garden. Thus far, the gardens have been limited in size to approximately half an acre but Sky Vegetables is in the process of seeking out the appropriate location for it's first "major" garden.

The impact that this can have over time is awe inspiring. Think of how many cities and communities don't have the area devoted to local gardens and import the majority of it's produce; if those gardens can simply be placed on already existing rooftops, it's a win for everyone involved. It allows people access to healthy and environmentally friendly food choices while supporting local economies, without requiring any new space!

I think Agoada and the people behind Sky Vegetables have stumbled onto something brilliant and I really hope the company is able to maintain and magnify it's success on a larger scale over time. So keep your eyes on the rooftops; you never know when you will have the chance to make a salad with vegetables from right up the fire escape...


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