Saturday, October 24, 2009


This week I needed to re-evaluate my ecological footprint and take a look at how well I have been adhering to my goals that I laid out in the beginning of the quarter...

My first goal was to reduce the amount of driving that I did; consolidating errands so that I wasn't making lots of short trips throughout the day. While not perfect, I have been decently successful with this goal thus far. I am not sure exactly how much less driving I am doing, but by planning my errands and not backtracking all over town, I have gone from using about one tank of gas a week to a tank lasting approximately ten days. So this is a noticeable improvement, especially if it is maintained over time. Also, one of my really good friends is also my neighbor so she and I have started running errands together so that whenever possible there is only one car on the road instead of two. I do still drive to class and to training 5 days a week, but right now I know it isn't realistic for me to change this. So I am doing my best to still minimize the harm I contribute with my driving and will continue to focus on this goal.

My second goal was to switch the heat lamp in my bathroom that was standard with my apartment to an energy efficient light. I took care of this a few weeks ago and am pleased that I was able to reduce the amount of energy wasted. I didn't need or want the heat lamp and don't miss it. Since I needed to replace that particular lamp, I made sure that all the other lights in my apartment were energy efficient at the same time. I don't know yet the effect this will have on my power bill, but I'm hoping it will be a little less while reducing my ecological footprint through conserving more energy. It has also prompted me to make it a point to go talk to my landlord when I pay rent this upcoming month. There are lights throughout the parking lot (which is great) but I have noticed they are on for a few hours of daylight as well. Perhaps the timers on them could be adjusted so that they aren't on during the day and come on only when the lighting is actually needed. Then the whole apartment complex could be a little bit more energy efficient.

My final goal was to switch to using an environmentally friendly and reusable water bottle instead of plastic water bottles. This goal by far has been the biggest challenge for me to stick with. I got an aluminum water bottle, but still find myself drinking from plastic water bottles throughout the day as well. I need to really buckle down and make it a point to just continue to refill my own water bottle instead of grabbing a plastic one while I'm out and about. It should be just as easy for me to refill my water bottle than buy a plastic one, and probably more convenient and less time consuming at the same time. Hopefully I can make some more improvement with this goal... Building off this, I drink coffee almost daily. It would be great for me to start using a washable travel cup/mug instead of Starbucks cups every day. Even though their cups are partially made from recycled material, it would be better for me to not have to use one at all. Honestly, the thought of a used travel cup sitting in my car all day until I get home to wash it out kind of grosses me out but I can try and get past it or take a few seconds to rinse it out when I'm done using it without waiting to get home. So once I master the water bottle issue I can tackle the coffee one!

While I have no intention of letting up efforts on any of what I have mentioned above, I can also make one more small change to continue to reduce my ecological footprint. I don't have any of my electronics on power strips and a lot of them stay plugged in and on throughout the day. Primarily, my cell phone charger and laptop always seem to be plugged in lately, 24 hours a day. This has become a new goal to take care of. This week, I'll go get some power strips so that I can easily shut everything down with one switch. While it's a really minor detail, I believe over time it can also make a significant impact. It's always a good feeling to know that you are trying to affect what is within your power to do so...

"It is a wholesome and necessary thing for us to turn again to the earth and in the contemplation of her beauties to know of wonder and humility" ~ Rachel Carson

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